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Syriac Music Choir performs in LA

Once again Syriac Music Choir is performing overseas. Syriac Music Choir is going toward the scene to perform a concert in Los Angeles California, USA.

Syriacmusic choir established in February 2003 to preserve the syriac music heritage. For this purpose Syriac Music Choir presented many concerts in Sweden (the country of origin). This is the second time that Syriac Music Choir is looking outdoors toward the USA.

The Choir received an invitation from the Very Reverend Father George Touma and the pastor of St. Mary´s Syriac Orthodox Church of Orange County and especially from his nearly assistants. The choir members have arrived to LA and the rehearsals will begin soon.

The concert will take place in St. Mary’s Church Social Hall on Saturday August 10 at 7:30 PM. “Moments of Nostalgia” is the name of this show which will consist of a bouquet of adorable Syriac and Merdalli songs. Syriac Music Choir will sing with the accompaniment of a full oriental orchestra.

Syriac Music wants to mention and thank our major sponsor Mr. Aboud Kourieh the owner of the Jade Groups Inc in Atlanta GA for his generous contribution to our activities.

In our US concert we are continuing our journey with preserving and spreading the Syriac music.
We are waiting to see you on Saturday August 10 at 7:30 PM in St. Mary’s church Social hall in 1515 E. Taft Ave. Orange, CA 92865

For tickets please contact:
Sal Botrus: (951) 532-1817

By: Infomaster

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