maro_cla92@hotmail.it Italy
mÄndag 13 juli 2015 15:18:47
This is an amazing guestbook! Good Work! =)
jkalariparampil@gmail.com India
Thursday 12 juni 2014 16:01:19
This page is really helpful. I have a request, if you could add all the songs of Shimo, then it would be very nice. Expecting more from this site.
söndag 16 mars 2014 12:24:19
Taudi ghalabe lu uthrono dkobitu lu ameydhan u li iteydhab. Aloho torallkhu
Shlome lebonoyd
lördag 29 juni 2013 22:19:45
very good page please make more sounds and please the songs of the qurobo alohoyo

reas@stpaulschatt.org Chattanooga, TN, USA
Tuesday 14 maj 2013 22:54:46
I am looking for versions of traditional Syriac sacred music suitable to be performed by a Western non-Syrian choir, and/or for Christian sacred music by contemporary Syrian composers. Thank you for your assistance.
mÄndag 23 april 2012 00:12:38
Tack fr en bra konsert!
Jezini Amazonas - Brazil
lördag 10 mars 2012 15:28:49
Congratulations for your realization syriacmusic.com is a perfect reference
msaliba@sympatico.ca Burlington, Canada
Friday 10 februari 2012 14:23:29
Thanks to those who administer "Syriacmusic.com". Please update the names of the churches in North America. Please add St.John Syriac Orthodox church, Burlington, Ontario, Canada. Established on March 2006. Please visit http://www.stjohnsyriacchurchburlington.com/ Tawdee saghi and God bless you all.
jan.b.svensson@telia.com Stockholm
söndag 29 januari 2012 21:04:34
Sg en inskrift med bokstver i estrangel: l thwchith och vill veta vad det betyder, skriften var utan vokaler och jag trodde att det var ett av de tiobudorden eller Jesu ord "Synda inte mer" eller "Rr inte vid mig", men inget stmde med Peshitta. Tacksam fr svar.
mÄndag 26 december 2011 19:14:53
has anyone the notes for malakho men schelyo?
i need them
alvin_mgocsm@yahoo.co.in India
Wednesday 26 oktober 2011 08:21:09
I want to learn syriac music pls help me somebody i also want to learn reading syriac pls help me .............
georges.chlouk@hotmail.com Wadi Chahrour, Lebanon
mÄndag 19 september 2011 19:10:12
I recently returned to Lebanon and have been attending Sunday qurbono at the Mor Efrem Syriac Orthodox church in Achrafieh (Beirut). The music and hymns are just phenomenal. I get goosebumps throughout the entire service every time! I yet have to experience Holy Mass in other Syriac churches around the country. Does anyone know where we can LEARN Syriac? Thanks! Wonderful and Informative site!
gchahane@hotmail.com Lebanon
mÄndag 30 maj 2011 00:08:15
جيد جدا nice site .god bless u
mÄndag 16 maj 2011 04:13:50
<h1>Nice site
tony_s13@hotmail.com Lebanon
Tuesday 19 april 2011 09:48:49
Shlomo & houbo Malfono Issa rhimo,
Tawdyotho laamlokh shafiro dbamin lkhoulan mawthar
koushoro bamin
many thanks
lördag 26 mars 2011 20:27:26
Where can i get the instrumental of any syriac Hymns?
Thursday 10 mars 2011 14:35:16
Hlsningen betyder i korta drag, frid vare med dig. Det finns en historia bakom den, men kan inte minnas exakt.
eglits@gmail.com India
söndag 24 oktober 2010 09:12:26
Sholom Kindly add News site of Jacobite syrian orthodox church india under H.H patriarch of antioch www.MalankaraSyriacVoice.com
Thanx in advance
www.eventim.co.uk London
Friday 22 oktober 2010 09:59:25
Lovely Music!
Wish you all the best for the future and your music!

jojojee2001@yahoo.com MUMBAI
söndag 17 oktober 2010 05:28:25
Songs uploaded are very much melodious. Really giving the ears a soothing comfort. Wish I could have downloaded some of them. Unfortunately no solution is available in the site. Would be much appreciated if the Site Administrator could make a way for the members to get it downloaded to their PCs / Laptops.
All the Best. God Bless.
shajiv21@gmail.com INDIA, WORKING IN U.A.E
Friday 17 september 2010 16:33:46
My name is shaji.verghese, i would like to know about st.Osyo, and try to send photo also if available
ebinraj@gmail.com India
Thursday 19 augusti 2010 07:09:09
Thursday 29 juli 2010 21:01:14
ive got an question. do you have the CDs of syriac music choir under this link:
i want both CDs if you have them to sell
shlome hubonoye u hamime fadi
Totally 390 records
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